design, gardening and upcycling tips | DIY

DIY French Country Shelf

July 9, 2018
diy french country shelf

Happy 4th of July everyone, can you believe how fast summer is flying by? and I still have lots of projects to do. Like this DIY French Country Shelf.

diy french country shelf


As you know last month was spent on the master bedroom make-over, and during the process of painting walls and furniture, I was also collecting accessories for the walls.

diy french country shelf

I had seen a picture of a beautiful bedroom that had MR & MRS letters above the bed and thought this would be a nice element to add to our bedroom. The letters, I found at Hobby Lobby, for less than $3 each, however they where just plain wood. They needed a little paint and distressing to go with the flow of the room.

DIY French Country Shelf.

Originally I was thinking about just hanging the letters on the wall but I would never get them all perfectly lined up and I didn’t want all those nail holes. So while I was in the middle of painting letters and waiting for paint to dry, I dug out, from the scrap pile, this old wood valance. (This valance had once sat above my old kitchen sink).

diy french country shelf

Perfect to use as a shelf but the particle board it was made from had seen better days. So instead I used it as a template to trace out another one. I simply cut a 1 x 12 pine board to the depth and length I wanted and then used the old wood valance to trace out the design.

diy french country shelf

Using my trusty scroll saw I carefully cut the design out and then sanded…a lot. All that was left to do now was paint ,wax and attach the brackets. This project only took about 1hr to complete and was very inexpensive.

diy french country shelf

The letters sit perfectly straight on the shelf and when I get tired of them I can easily change them out for something else….without all the nail holes.

diy french country shelf

Don’t you just love those easy DIY projects. Let me know what you think and why not try it yourself? Send me Pictures.

diy french country shelf



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