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Honey Suckle DIY Bird Nest

February 14, 2018
DIY Bird Nest

A DIY Bird Nest.

diy bird nest
DIY Bird Nest

  When I am decorating a table or hutch or anything really. I like to use as many natural elements as possible. Like this honey suckle DIY Bird Nest. Since we live in the country, we have an over abundance of all kinds of fun things that I can use in displays. 

honet suckle diy bird nest


Since its February and Spring is just around the corner. I decided I would give Nest Making  a try.

My hubby gathered some honey suckle vine for me… {we have lots growing on the side of the barn}.


I went into bird mode.

honey suckle vine

I stripped off all the leaves and cut lengths of workable vine. About 2ft.

Then make a circle with the vine, however big you want your nest, and secure it with craft wire.

honey suckle diy bird nest

keep working the vine in a circle and securing every 2 or 3 inch’s with the wire. I wove the vine in and out to give it extra strength. After making about 4  circles, start gradually making them smaller. When you get to the bottom weave the vine cross way’s to create a flat base for the Nest to sit on. After your Nest is secure add a little dried grass or moss to the inside bottom.

I think the birds would be proud….

bird nest


As Today is Valentine Day, I dressed my nest’s up with some Paper Flowers, red of course and added a few other rustic pieces.

These Nests certainly add a natural element with a bit of a Farmhouse  feel.

a bird nest center piece





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