design, gardening and upcycling tips | DIY | projects

Chalk Painted Bedroom Set

By on July 8, 2018
white over black painted dresser

Happy Monday! I hope you had an awesome weekend. Mine was spent going to the auction, eating lots of “bad for you” food and splashing in the kiddy pool with my 3 yr old Grandson. Whom i might add is the smartest, cutest, happiest little 3 old boy ever….just had to brag a bit. Back to the post.

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design, gardening and upcycling tips

New Bedding and Curtains.

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new bedding and curtains

New bedding and Curtains.

I have to say that when it comes to buying new bedding and curtains I am, by no means an expert .I always forget to measure and then I’m never sure on patterns, or fabrics or whether the curtains should be shear or lined….the list goes on.

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