design, gardening and upcycling tips | DIY | In The Kitchen

How To Build Your Own Free Standing Kitchen Pantry.

By on May 11, 2018
free standing kitchen cabinet

Free standing Kitchen pantry.

Who say’s you have to have a  kitchen Pantry the size of your refrigerator?

And…who can reach those “above the fridge cabinets” anyway? you would have to have extremely long arms or be at least 8ft tall.

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design, gardening and upcycling tips | DIY | In The Kitchen

DIY Kitchen Pantry and a little Broom Closet

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diy kitchen pantry

Fabulous Friday fellow DIY’ers!

I hope you all had a great weekend. I spent my weekend building this Free Standing Kitchen Pantry…and a new Broom Closet, which I so desperately needed, at least my broom did.

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