design, gardening and upcycling tips | DIY | In The Garden | projects

Turn Old Windows into a Mini Greenhouse.

By on April 12, 2018

I think I just heard a Spring peeper, that’s a frog…just incase you didn’t know and I know I saw a fly yesterday.

This Winter seems to have dragged on for so long….

Seriously thinking of becoming a snow bird, moving to Florida in January, and not returning until the temperatures reach 65.

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design, gardening and upcycling tips | DIY | projects

Old Chair Springs Make The perfect Pot Holder

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pot holder

Happy Monday everyone.

I hope Spring has finally sprung where you are, I cannot say the same for here. However, the weather people say SpringĀ WILL arrive in the next couple of days. Maybe, just maybe they have got it right this time.

chair springs

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